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Ad Hoc Reporting & Analysis

The Challenge

Although the Advancement profession is dependent upon people, its absolute success is contingent on fundraising managers' command and control of their data and the ability of that data to provide them with flexible, dynamic insights into their operations

Unfortunately, most conventional reporting systems only deliver performance "snapshots". They don't answer the "why's" and "how's" behind the "snapshots" and as a result managers struggle to craft the strategies and tactics necessary to meet goals. The result is a "cycle of pain" in which key staff send a flurry of custom report requests to IT or advancement services. Those requests land in a backlog, with results returned in a week or two. The results drive more questions, which means more custom report requests... There is a better way.

The Solution

ADVIZOR enables Ad Hoc reporting and analysis that moves far beyond traditional approaches. Our Visual Discovery Dashboards deliver up-to-date, detailed information in a visual format that enables fundraising managers to:
  1. Conduct interactive data discovery and analysis in real-time
  2. Quickly identify what matters most
  3. Drill-down into operational metrics and details
  4. Discover the "stories" hidden in the data
  5. Develop case-specific action plans
  6. And do it all in a collaborative manner

Constituent List
Constituent List

The Result

With ADVIZOR, clients are able to:

  • Satisfy management's need for quick answers to key questions
  • Significantly reduce the custom report load on IT and advancement services
  • Eliminate the "cycle of pain"

"We could never quickly get the answers and reports that we needed. We were living the "cycle of pain". Now we use ADVIZOR in our management meetings and we look like rock stars because we can answer questions on the spot!"

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