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Advancement Advizor

Prospect Management

The Challenge

Campaign pipeline
Campaign Pipeline
Once key prospects are identified, it is critically important that each is assigned and managed in an efficient and effective manner. Key to this is ensuring that each development officer:

  • Makes the best use of in-person visits
  • Builds and sustains momentum with each prospect
  • Moves prospects through the solicitation process to closure
  • Better knows their Portfolios and Prospect Pools

As development officers work to set up visits, establish weekly call cycles, and make optimum use of planned events, they have traditionally looked to IT to provide them with the prospect information they need to take action. Numerous requests for custom queries, list updates, corrections, and more lead to frustrations on both sides - for the development officer who is working under time constraints and needs the right information quickly, and for the already overloaded IT staff who struggle to meet the demands.

The Solution

Development officer clicks to get list
Development officer clicks to get list
ADVIZOR eliminates these challenges by providing frontline staff with the information they need in an easy to use web or client-based application. Gone is the need to request custom reports - your staff can quickly and easily access the information they need themselves. Processes that once took weeks can be completed in minutes.

The Result


  • Staff can determine the best use of their time in and out of the office with improved efficiency
  • Managers can easily identify problems in the early stages, as well the details necessary for corrective action
  • A collaborative environment is created for constructive brainstorming as staff access real time information from their desktops or laptops
  • Dramatic reductions in the need for custom reports are realized

"After implementing ADVIZOR, our Development Officers could get the information they needed in a fraction of the time, and the custom report workload on Advancement Services declined over 60%. Now we can work on more strategic initiatives for the school."

University of Scranton

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