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Call Center Effectiveness

The Challenge

Operating performance
Operating Performance
Call centers have been a mainstay of many fundraising organizations. Yet many have done very little to target their efforts or study how to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.

However, some leading edge call centers do use best practices that leverage their data and provide answers to questions such as:

  • Which calling days and times are most effective? Can we cut back some of our calling times and become more effective?
  • What script has worked best on what segment of the constituency population? For example, did the "new president" script work best on young alumni or on reunion classes? Which one(s) did not work well at all?
  • How are the various segments performing and should I make some adjustments NOW (tomorrow nights calling) to stop calling some segments, or start calling others based on the data I see?
  • Do some of my callers do consistently better than others? Who? Where and what do we see as a performance problem (e.g. no matter what, the student underperforms)?

The challenge with answering these questions is that the data is often in three different systems: the calling system (e.g., Ruffalo Cody or SmartCall, etc.), the core advancement system (e.g., Advance, Banner, Datatel, Millenium, Raisers Edge, etc.), and the student or caller information system (e.g., Banner Student, Datatel, etc.).

The Solution

Successful caller profile
Successful caller profile
ADVIZOR eliminates these challenges by making all of the data available in an easy to use interface that allows your call center managers and marketers to easily slice and dice the data across a variety of categories, all the while keeping their eyes on what worked and what didn't. Patterns are easily identified, and with predictive analytics the prospect list can be "scored" to find donors who have high probability of positive response to particular script.

The Result

ADVIZORs clients have:

  • Raised more money from their call centers...
  • ...with fewer calling hours and at less cost
  • Optimized the use of their volunteers' time
  • Created a more collaborative and integrated marketing team
  • Avoided "over calling" key donors

"ADVIZOR enabled us to "look" at the contact data, and things "jumped out" that showed us how to adjust our schedules. The results were very positive - overall revenue increased 54% in a recession, with calling hours down 22%."

Dartmouth College

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